Belén Carozo

Senior Mobile Developer

Hi! My name is María Belén, but most people call me Belu. I am 23 years old and I am Uruguayan. I am currently working as a Senior Mobile Engineer at Xmartlabs, a local product studio company. I have 3 years of experience as a software developer there, in which I developed and deployed an app to help stroke survivors through their recovery process, as well as a web dashboard in React for their navigators. The app has been in production for almost two years and we are still maintaining it and adding features to both the web dashboard and the Mobile apps. In this project I've used React Native, React and a bit of Ruby on Rails. I am also working on my thesis for my Computer Engineering degree, "Digital Twins Platform For Precision Dosing". Precision dosing involves determining the appropriate dosage of a drug for each individual patient. The goal of this project is to develop an interface for doctors to access real-time patient data and use it to run simulations using various data models, ultimately helping the decision-making process for drug dosages.

Talk recording coming soon

Visualizing the Impact of React Native’s New Architecture

Examine the real-life user experience differences between old and new app architectures, based on findings from testing both on a low-end Android device.

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